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This workshop is designed to help group therapists new to group work identify induced feelings and learn to develop emotional insulation in their groups. We will cover topics such as emotional insulation, transference and countertransference, subjective and objective feelings, and knowing how a therapist’s history influences group dynamics. Workshop will utilize both didactic and experiential learning to help participants become more aware of the range of feelings that can be induced by the group environment. 



I. Introductions and defining induced feelings and emotional insulation (45 min, Jim O’Hern and Heather Frank, Obj 1 and 2, Lecture/handout).

A. Identify barriers leaders face in experiencing and utilizing their feelings in group.

B. Highlight ways to observe and identify induced feelings in group..

C. Discuss ways to distinguish historical vs present feelings.

D. How to use one’s observing ego in group and building emotional insulation 


II. Approaches to using induced feelings in group (45 min, Jim O’Hern and Heather Frank, Obj 3 and 4, Lecture/handout).

A. How to formulate and intervention based on the induced feeling

B. How to differentiate between objective and subjective feelings

C. Exploration of feelings that may be difficult or challenging for the group leader to feel


II. Demo process group exercise (60 min, Jim O’Hern and Heather Frank, Obj 1, 2, 3 and 4 and 5, experiential).

A. Common induced feelings that occur in group

B. Countertransference issues when working with induced feelings

C. Countertransference resistance that arises when working with induced feelings.

D. Formulate and utilize interventions to work with the induced feelings. 




II. Demo process group exercise (60 min, Jim O’Hern and Heather Frank, Obj 1, 2, 3 and 4 and 5, experiential).

A. Countertransference resistance that arises when working with induced feelings.

B. Formulate and utilize interventions to work with the induced feelings.


IV. Post process of demo group  (45 min, Jim O’Hern and Heather Frank, Obj 1, 2, 3 and 4 and 5, experiential).


VII. Questions/Discussions from audience (30 min)


VIII. Participant Evaluations (15 min)


This workshop is designed to help group therapists new to group work identify induced feelings and learn to develop emotional insulation in their groups. We will cover topics such as emotional insulation, transference and countertransference, subjective and objective feelings, and knowing how a therapist’s history influences group dynamics. Workshop will utilize both didactic and experiential learning to help participants become more aware of the range of feelings that can be induced by the group environment. 


The content presented in this workshop has been supported by years of research

and practice by leading group therapists in the field of psychology and social work.

The concepts and ideas are ones supported by Yalom's work, Ormont and the

Center for Group Studies training program, as well as borrowed from the AGPA's

CGP group therapy training manual as well as group therapy as learned and taught

in graduate training programs. The material discussed is all based upon the

literature in group therapy as it relates to best practices in helping patients heal and

grow while in group treatment.

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